Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Buying A Purebred Puppy

Things To Consider When Shopping For A Purebred Puppy

Shopping for and buying a purebred puppy is a lifetime commitment for the animal which you choose, by following a few simple steps you will be able to find happiness for both you and your puppy.

Steps you must follow for the best possible purebred puppy for you and your lifestyle.

Before you purchase a purebred puppy you should do some research on the breed that you are interested in to find out if the mannerisms of that particular breed is a well suited for your lifestyle. You need to realize your focus for having a dog, for instance, are you more interested in a family pet or perhaps you favor a show dog or a guard dog. Your motive for the animal is one clue that will help you in finding the best choice of breed.

It is in the best interest of your new purebred puppy and yourself to learn the mannerisms of the breed you choose, this will help you to know if the animal will fit well in your home. You must keep in mind other factors, like, the amount of room the dog will require as well as its recommended exercise and daily diet plans. In addition, you should consider the animals grooming needs as well as the factors of drooling and hair length as well as its loss. You might want to call you local rescue organization and ask what the most common reason for a particular breed of dogs display when being entered into rescue.

You can get information as well as join respected breeder’s clubs according to the potential breed of your choice in puppies. To find these parent club groups you can do an online search with Google for many different breeds as well as find parent club groups AKC breeds at http://www.akc.org. Also, you can ask your family, neighbors and friends if they knowledge of anyone with the particular breed of animal of which you are interested and then make arrangements to visit with them and their pet, this is especially helpful if you have never encountered the breed that holds your interest.

Once you have spent time with the animal and decide this is indeed the breed you want, you should search for a reputable dog breeder, this will allow you the opportunity to receive the very best chance of owning a dog that is both of sound in temper and health. Since puppies, temperament is fully formed by its genetics and environment, those that are provided by both the litter’s mother and its breeder, by the time it is six weeks old.

You should contact the breeders in the parent kennel club, then take a visit through their facilities and get to know their dogs. Their animals should behave in the manner you would prefer your future dog to behave and their facilities should be spotlessly clean and odor free.

All of their animals should be free of parasites as well as clean and healthy. A good breeder is generally happy to share his information with you, concerning the screening of breeding stock for any common health problems before they breed their animals. Any reputable breeder of dogs is able to produce the proper veterinary certifications proving that the bitch and sire are both free of any serious health issues. You should always trust your instincts when shopping for a purebred puppy, if you feel like something is not right, or if the breeder is not forthcoming with all needed information, then look elsewhere for the animal you take home with you.

Once you have found a breeder that you can relate to, you will have to wait for a litter of puppies. Any good breeder will more than likely have a few requirements for individuals who wish to have one of their puppies. You will be presented with a written sales agreement that will give all the requirements and obligations for all concerned the purchasing a purebred puppy.Any reputable breeder will provide a guarantee that allows you within a few days of ownership, to return your puppy, if your veterinarian were to discover a serious health condition in your animal. Normally a good breeder will also suggest grooming equipment, diet and exercise information as well as a few books for you to read to help you take good care of your new purebred puppy.

Although it is extra work for the breeder, the best time to take you new puppy home is no earlier those nine weeks, as this will provide the puppy and its littermates more time for socialization. When puppies are picked up to early, they are likely to suffer from anxiety and be fearful of other dogs its whole lifetime.

You should have your new puppy checked by your veterinarian within at least twenty-four hours of having picked it up from the breeder. Tick and heartworm prevention should be started as soon as possible. You will need to consider what you will feed the new puppy, such as canned pet food, dry kibble or a raw meat diet.

You should ask your veterinarian for suggestions on obedience classes for your puppy, keeping you animal in its particular age group returns the best results in their classes. You should also determine the same potential expectations for your new puppy as you would have for an older dog.

Tips for choosing the perfect purebred puppy for you and your lifestyle.

You may wish to consider adopting a purebred animal from your local rescue organization as an alternative to the purchase of a puppy. Be sure to read How to Adopt a Purebred Dog. You may be fortunate enough to find an adoptable purebred puppy in need of a home. This is always a great idea when looking for a puppy of your own.

If it is possible to visit with both parents of the purebred puppy, you will generally find that their temperament will affect their litter results, as the apple does not fall far from the tree. For instance, you may find that one of the parents show signs in their temperament that you would find annoying in an animal you own, such as being afraid of people, if so, then consider finding a different breeder.

Keep in mind that by spending a little more on a puppy to begin with will often save you a great deal of money for medical expenses, which is always a wise investment.

You should only deal with breeders of purebred dogs who are responsible dog owners and who will routinely screen every animal they encounter for their facilities as being disease free including other various conditions that may harm their breed. Although, this is no guarantee for the health of their animals, this will prove that the breeder is indeed doing his very best to ensure that any animal you take home, will be the healthiest and best choice in the puppy you choose.

If done properly it does take a good deal of effort, energy and time when choosing the perfect purebred puppy as your companion, yet it is something that you will never regret in the future.

The best purebred puppies come to those who wait, enjoy the new addition to your family.

ProudPup.com - Great deals on new and pre-owned dog supplies and accessories, training equipment, books, doggie health tips and more! Did you know that dogs have a genetic lifespan of 27 years? Find out how you can help your dog live well into it's teens or 20's. Download your copy of the Long Life Dog book by clicking this link: Proud Pup - Dog Supplies Cheap

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Best Dental Hygiene Techniques For Your Dog

Proper dental hygiene for your dog is an important part of his overall health and well-being. It is good to have a basic understanding of normal tooth development in dogs so you can care for your dogs teeth the best way.

Puppies are born without any teeth. By about two or thee weeks of age, the puppy begins getting his first set of teeth and has about 28 of these temporary teeth after two months. A puppy’s first set of teeth is made up of both incisors and canine teeth, as well as premolars. These teeth begin to fall out, being replaced by permanent adult teeth, when the dog is about 12 weeks old.

Most of the dog’s permanent teeth come in around 6 months of age. During this time, many dogs experience teething pain and want to chew and gnaw on a variety of things to ease the discomfort. By the time all of the dog’s adult teeth have come in, he will have a full set of 42 teeth.

The 12 small teeth in the front of the dog’s mouth are incisors. These teeth are used to pick up small pieces of food and the dog will use them for grooming and removing fleas from his fur. There are also four long, pointed teeth near the front of the mouth called cuspids or canine teeth. These are the teeth used to tear larger pieces of food.

There are 16 premolars along the sides of the dog’s mouth that are used to cut the food into smaller pieces. In the back of the dog’s mouth, there are 10 molars that aid in chewing by crushing the food and grinding it.

Without proper dental hygiene, there is an 80% chance that your dog will develop some sort of oral, periodontal complications before he is three years old. Infections in the gums and broken teeth are common problems, as well as irritation of the tissue in your dog’s mouth. Any of these problems can create bacteria that may enter your dog’s bloodstream, infecting vital organs, like his heart, kidney, lungs, or intestines.

Your veterinarian is the best source for learning the best dental hygiene techniques for your dog. Schedule regular dental check-ups for your dog when he is still young to avoid difficulties when he is older.

Routine dental hygiene for your dog can prevent many of the common canine tooth problems, like tartar buildup and gum irritation, while other problems, like malocclusion, can be detected early and treated appropriately.

During a regular canine dental checkup, your vet will typically look for the evidence of tartar and will examine the teeth for looseness, cavities, and other abnormalities. He will also inspect your dog’s gums and palate for irritation or unusual growth. Your dog will usually be under the influence of an anesthesia during the exam, so he can not eat anything the night before the visit.

Sometimes, your veterinarian may suggest blood tests or a complete health checkup before performing the dental checkup with anesthesia. This will determine any other complications your dog my be suffering from, as well as ensure his safety during the upcoming procedure. If your dog already suffers from dental problems, he may be given an antibiotic to treat any existing infection and to prevent further complications.

One of the most obvious signs of infection or disease in your dog’s mouth is bad breath. This can also mean that your dog is suffering from tartar buildup around his gums. This buildup beneath the gum line creates bacteria that can inflame the gums and cause discomfort, as well as other complications.

Tooth decay is not a common problem with dogs. Their teeth are naturally shaped more pointed, making it less likely for foods and liquids to sit on the teeth, and their saliva doesn’t contain the acids found in human saliva. A dog’s chewing reflexes also helps to keep his teeth somewhat clean and prevent tooth decay.

Aside from visiting your vet on a regular basis for canine dental checkups, a veterinarian can also clean and polish your dog’s teeth. This procedure is typically performed every two or three years. It is important for you to train your dog to let you or the vet clean his teeth without becoming upset or trying to bite. Training may take time and it is best to start when your dog is young.

You can also keep you dog’s teeth clean at home in between your dental checkups. There are a number of canine toothbrushes, as well as toothpastes, available today. A finger toothbrush designed for dogs is a great way to start brushing your dog’s teeth. Very similar to an infant brush for newborn gums, this dog toothbrush is worn over the tip of your finger. Using the soft bristles on the side of the finger brush, you can clean and massage your dog’s teeth and gums.

Once your dog has become comfortable with the finger brush, you can start using a standard dog toothbrush to clean his teeth. Holding the toothbrush at a 45° angle to your dog’s gum, move the brush in a short, circular motion around the gum line and then brush the tooth in a vertical motion to remove any plaque or food debris that has been loosened. Take care to brush each tooth to deter tartar formation and include this cleaning in your regular care routine at least twice a week.

The toys your dog plays with and the things he eats are also an important part of your dog’s dental hygiene. Some toys and foods are actually good for your dog’s teeth and mouth, like rawhide bones and specially designed rubber, plastic, and fiber toys made for dogs. Chewing or gnawing on soft, non-damaging items like these can promote healthy dental hygiene by helping clean the teeth. Animal bones and toys that are not designed for dogs can be too hard for your dog’s teeth and cause damage, or may break into small fragments that may choke your dog.

Tips for Proper Dental Hygiene for Your Dog

Start putting your fingers in your dog’s mouth when he is still a puppy so he will be comfortable having his teeth cleaned. Place a small amount of flavored dog toothpaste on your fingertip to encourage your dog. You can even train an older dog to allow teeth cleaning this way. Rub your finger along the sides of your dog’s gums and across the front of them.

If your dog seems to be uncomfortable, try placing a towel on top of the table or a countertop and sitting your dog there. This may discourage him from moving. Use an appropriately sized toothbrush for your dog. Continue to use a flavored toothpaste and gently brush your dog’s teeth. Talk to him and soothe him if he doesn’t like the cleaning and only do a little bit at a time. Work with your dog slowly until he is more comfortable with the procedure.

Only use dog toothpaste. Many of these are flavored to be more appealing to your dog and they are safe to swallow.

It is often hard to get your dog used to a toothbrush. Try dipping an old toothbrush in a saltwater solution and letting your dog chew it. Once he realizes that the brush feels good, he may be more willing to let you clean his teeth with it.

A finger brush is another option. Most dogs have an easier time adjusting to this type of cleaning, but it doesn’t clean as good as a standard toothbrush.

A chlorohexidine spray can be used in your dog’s mouth after each cleaning to prevent bacteria from growing in the back of his mouth.

ProudPup.com - Great deals on new and used dog supplies and accessories, training equipment, books, doggie health tips and more! Did you know that dogs have a genetic lifespan of 27 years? Find out how you can help your dog live well into it's teens or 20's. Download your free copy of the Long Life Dog book by clicking this link...
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