Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How to Keep Your Dog Calm Outside His Crate

It is hard to teach a young dog how to be calm inside the house. They often have so much energy and they are often all too pleased to be in our company that they just can't seem to help their bad behavior. Patience, training, and more patience are key when working with any animal. Here are some easy steps to help you along the way.


If it is at all possible, enroll your dog in doggie obedience school. Many pet stores such as Petco offer affordable weekly training sessions for pets and their owners. These meetings merely give owners the tools with which to train their dogs. Owners must work with their dogs outside of the classroom to see results.

If obedience school is not an option... you will have to make the committment to work with your dog on your own. You can find basic training tips in books and online.
A great book I discovered titled 'Sit Stay Fetch' is available online here.

A dog that is crated all the time is not properly socialized. He has not learned what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Instead he is often so relieved to be out among people that shows his exuberence in all the wrong ways.

At first you should work with your dog on a leash. Inside and outside. A leash will give you any easy way to correct bad behavior and at the same time allow your dog just enough freedom to start to figure things out for himself.

It is important that your dog understand some basic commands such as sit, down, stay and heel. Teaching him such behaviors establishes you as his alpha dog and teaches him to respect you and listen to you. (This is where the doggie obedience schools come in handy)

When you have your dog on the leash in the house you can alternate between asking him to perform a behavior such as sit or stay and completely ignoring him.

If your dog disobeys you or is busy trying to run off or otherwise wreak havoc, a sharp tug on the leash will serve as a correction. Be sure that you are not pulling him with the leash, you need the correction to be sharp and quick--like a jerk. Also understand that the jerk on the leash is punishment for his bad behavior. Once he responds to the jerk by coming back to you or stopping whatever he was doing...reward him with praise and maybe a treat. If you must use the word 'No' make sure that it is timed with the jerk on the leash. It is imperative that there be a release from punishment once your dog responds to you, hence the praise 'good boy' or a nice doggie snack.

You must establish 'groundrules' with your dog. He should have boundries. For instance, your leash training should teach him that rough-housing is not an indoor behavior.

Over time your dog should learn that when indoors, he should not run around and create mayhem. This means that you must discourage rough playing with your dog indoors. Avoid playing with him in such a way that he migh become overexcited. Instead offer him a bone or a favorite chew toy to enjoy while he is indoors. (Chew toys are great because they generally have to be enjoyed LAYING DOWN.)

The more time you spend working with your dog, the happier he will be and the happier YOU will be. For all the time spent you will have a lovely friend and companion for you and your family.


A retractable leash is not reccommended because it is difficult to discipline your dog in a timely manner if the leash extends and contracts to such long lengths on its own.

It takes time! Keep at it!

Take your dog for walks...exercise for you and it helps rid your puppy of excess energy.

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